Archive for the ‘Plugin’ Category

Fancy Opts jQuery Plugin – Custom Radio and Checkbox Inputs

16 Mar

I was in need of a quality jQuery plugin that would allow me to customize radio buttons and checkboxes. After a bit of googling, I was only able to find offerings that weren’t fully featured. Specifically, they lacked graceful degradation, required custom HTML, and/or just functioned far too much unlike a native input.

As is usually the case, I couldn’t find what I needed so I decided to create it myself, and so the Fancy Opts plugin was born. It allows you to simply create flexible and completely unique radio button and checkbox inputs. Read the rest of this entry »


TH Float jQuery Plugin – Fixed THEAD and TFOOT

03 Mar

I recently found myself in need of an elegant, simple solution allowing users to know which column in a table contained which value once the table header has scrolled out of view.

A quick google lead me to believe that no such plugin for jQuery currently exists. I did find a few table-centric plugins that (maybe) include the kind of functionality that I wanted, but nothing looked to provide just what I had in mind. So, I started working on the plugin myself.

I call the plugin TH Float, but it could also aptly be named Sticky Table TH or Fixed THEAD / TFOOT. What it does is make the <thead> or <tfoot> of a table remain floating in view at the top or bottom, respectively, of the scrollable container until the table is completely out of view. Read the rest of this entry »