Posts Tagged ‘thead’

TH Float jQuery Plugin – Fixed THEAD and TFOOT

03 Mar

I recently found myself in need of an elegant, simple solution allowing users to know which column in a table contained which value once the table header has scrolled out of view.

A quick google lead me to believe that no such plugin for jQuery currently exists. I did find a few table-centric plugins that (maybe) include the kind of functionality that I wanted, but nothing looked to provide just what I had in mind. So, I started working on the plugin myself.

I call the plugin TH Float, but it could also aptly be named Sticky Table TH or Fixed THEAD / TFOOT. What it does is make the <thead> or <tfoot> of a table remain floating in view at the top or bottom, respectively, of the scrollable container until the table is completely out of view. Read the rest of this entry »